Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Finally a new post!

Hello all! I know I haven't posted in FOREVER!!! But here are some updates on our lives:

Johnny just stared school last wednesday.  He is in his 4th semester at SLCC. And he will have his Associates by the end of Spring Semester.  I am so proud of him!  He also got onto the Multicultural Committee! There are only about five people on it so I was very proud when he got picked to join the committee! He will be doing ALOT of service and helping those in the community with different ethnic backgrounds!  Outside of school Johnny has started assistant coaching the 13-14 year olds in football for BINGHAM!! Haha I never thought I would see my hubby in my school's colors/paraphenilia!! He is loving every minute of it! He is still working at the dental office and does such a great job there! He is busy busy busy, but I am glad he is getting to do things he enjoys :)

Nothing has changed much with me...Just working full-time!

Pics will come soon of the following:

Southern California Trip
John Mayer Concert
Other Random Things!


  1. It's about time :D Glad things are going well with you guys!

  2. Hey cool he got onto that committee! that will help out for sure!
