Sunday, June 13, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend & other events!

1964: The Tribute...SO MUCH FUN!!!! They are Beatles Tribute band, they are sooo good! My parents, Ry & Katie, and Johnny & I went and had a blast!!

Memorial Day weekend was alot of fun! We were able to go visit our family in California! Here are some fun pics from our trip!

On the road, drivin to california

Johnny and his cute nieces after church

Me and my nieces

Marisha and Me!
Our cute little nephew! Isn't he adorable?!?


I have problems keepin my eyes open when its sunny!
Johnny and me at Alicia & Ryan's house
Alicia and me

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I get so emotional when...

... I watch this show...

Everytime I watch this show and they get to the part where the crowd yells, "Move that bus!" I break down! Seeing the family so happy and so GRATEFUL! I wish I could do that for a struggling family!  The transformations they do to homes is AMAZING!!! Next time they come to Utah I want to volunteer and help get the family's home all ready for them!  GREAT SHOW!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Jamie's Tumbling & Cheer

Hey everyone!!! Do you have a child that wants to be in tumbling or cheer? Jamie's Tumbling & Cheer is a great place to go! Whether you are just learning your cartwheels or you are working on full twists, Jamie's Tumbling & Cheer is fit for everyone!! Check out her blog @

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Biggest Loser Finale

Dear America,

If you would've voted for Koli to be in the top 3, he would've WON. And Daris would've been the at home winner. Just the way I thought it shoud've been!  But not gonna lie, Michael did look pretty good...but I didn't really care for him throughout the show. Here is how I felet bout everyone on the show.

GREEN TEAM: Miggy & Migdalia
Didn't like these two AT ALL. They both had major attitudes. I was proud of Miggy though when she walked all those miles the DAY after she got her appendix removed.

BROWN TEAM: James & John
Losing 100lbs at the finale wasn't too great...they were still way big! And plus the twin that was on the ranch longer lost what probably atleast 50 or more pounds when he was an extra 50? Not so great.

RED TEAM: Melissa & Lance
Lance I like. no likey.  I love how at the finale she said, "we were just there to lose weight" ummmmm bull crap! Every week weren't you saying, "this is a game" blah blah blah.  If you were there to lose weight why did u gain a pound when you had immunity huh huh!

Whats not to like about this team?  They were so sweet and there was like zero controversy with these two.  Daris look so freakin good at the finale!! And now he has a lil girlfriend like  he always wanted!  The only thing i would say to him is if your not gonna do your hair (the haircut he got for makeover week) just shave it all! He looks like Jerry Lee Lewis with those curls! haha

WHITE TEAM: Michael & Maria
Ever since Michael had it in his hadns to split up the teams into two teams, I didn't care for him much.  Maria I didn't really have an opinion about.  Michael looked awesome at the finale!

BLACK TEAM: Darrell & Andrea
I liked these two ok. I feel like andrea didn't look to great at the finale. But i do like her hair better dark!

BLUE TEAM: Cherita & Victoria
I don't think Victoria had a mean bone in her body, i liked her! and poor Cherita never got a chance to be there! They both looked great at the finale!

PINK TEAM: Sherry & Ashley
Hello! Sherry looked way good at the finale! She is only 10 lbs more than me! I like Ashley ok, but her being the biggest girl there, she totally should have been dropping double digits EVERY week!!!

PURPLE TEAM: Patti & Stefanie
I really liked Stefanie!  I am glad she is with sam and looked so good at the finale! I don't really have an opinion bout her mom since she got voted off kinda early.

YELLOW TEAM: O'Neil & Sunshine
Loved these two!! Minus I felt like sunshine cried a wee bit too much haha.  They both looked awesome at the finale!  They both were hard workers I liked that bout them.

MY FAVORITES!!!! Cool Fact: Koli is from 1 city away from my hubby!  And he is in the same ward/neighborhood as one of my friends!  They seriously worked it every single week! Even if they had immunity! I don't think they are cocky at all!  I am GLAD they told other contestants at elimination that they needed to work harder. Frick while sam and koli are bustin they buts pullin double digits ALWAYS and then someone else pulls a 4? Its probably annoying watching other people slack! I would tell em too! haha.