So the other day I was at the grocery store and I only needed ONE item. So after I went and found it I made my way to the Express Lane because all the other lines were long...
So while I was waiting in line, I decided to browse what the person in front of me was getting...and low and behold....
They had a FULL shopping cart...ya WAY more than FIFTEEN! As they were putting there stuff on thingy that moves...(ay ya ay i cant remember the name at the moment) They were like "Oh darn i guess thats a little more than we thought...." Really people?? I would let it slide if you had like 17 or 18 items..but they had well over 25 and then they were trying to cover themselves up! I did my job and gave them a somewhat lifted eyebrow and a "oh sure you thought you were under the limit sorta smile". I think I did my job.